About Balanced Equine

Balanced Equine consists of Carol Layton B.Sc M.Ed, independent equine nutritionist and Rob Howden, professional hoof care practitioner.

Both Rob and Carol have had horses since a young age and met at an endurance ride. Carol’s endurance horse, Omani Mr Sqiggle was the 2009 Australian National Points and Distance horse for her weight division. Together they have completed at top levels, including the 400 km marathon, Shahzada (three times), NSW State Championship rides and the national championship, the 160 km Tom Quilty, The pair won the Big 3 Award for successfully completing the NSW State Championship, Shahzada and The Tom Quilty for one horse/one rider in one year, in 2010.

A need to understand the art and science behind feeding horses compelled Carol to search for courses that explained in depth the way to deliver an optimal diet based on peer reviewed scientific studies and to develop the tools to critique the abundant fads, myths and pseudo science. In 2008, Carol furthered her education by enrolling in equine nutrition courses provided by Dr Eleanor Kellon VMD, and to this day, is still enrolled and following the research.  In 2009, Dr Eleanor Kellon VMD asked her to tutor students in the online nutrition course, NRCPlus and is still tutoring students today.

Our horses – is that dinner?

Rob Howden
Find a

Over the past 10 years, Carol has provided independent feeding plans and advice for horse owners based on data; pasture or hay, whichever is applicable. To learn more about forage testing and mineral balancing based on data (rather than dodgy guesswork), the following articles may help:
What is a balanced diet
Understanding a hay or pasture test

Meeting daily nutrient requirements  is important but just as important is to aim for mineral ratios to be as optimal as possible – some minerals compete with each other.
Mineral interactions

Carol is currently a lecturer in equine nutrition for the nationally recognised Australian Certified Hoof Care Course (ACEHP).

Carol is passionate about teaching and sharing her knowledge of equine nutrition, so far she has been invited to present at Equitana twice in Australia and in 2019 in New Zealand, and has been a speaker at a number of equine conferences in Australia and overseas.

2011 Functional Hoof Conference, Melbourne, Victoria
2012 World Hoof Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
2014 Functional Hoof Conference, Daylesford, Victoria
2016 Pacific Hoof Care Conference San Diego, USA
2017 NO Laminitis Conference, Tucson, USA
2018 Bowker Lectures, Windsor, NSW
2018 Animal Biomechanical Professionals Australia Conference, Launceston, Tasmania
2018 ACEHP Inspire, Melbourne, Victoria
2022 Progressive Hoof Care Conference, Denver, USA

2018 University of Adelaide Equine Special Interest Group – Veterinary undergraduates and other students.

Carol has been delivering full day equine nutrition seminars to groups of horse owners across the country where she explains the myths, fads and marketing ploys, and advocates simple, holistic and cost effective feeding for all horses including high performance horses, and growing, pregnant and lactating horses.

Seminars have been held all over Australia and in NZ
Interested in attending a seminar? Planned current seminars.

WA – Bunbury, Greenbushes, Kojonup, Margaret River, Northam
NT – Darwin
Victoria – Ballarat, Colac, Geelong, Macclesfield, Melbourne
Queensland – Brisbane, Cairns, Dayboro, Freshwater, Mackay, Mareeba, Townsville, Toowoomba
SA – Adelaide Hills, Birdwood
NSW – Branch Lane, Richmond, Tamworth, Wagga Wagga
ACT – Canberra
Tasmania – Deloraine, Hobart, Liffey, Sorell

New Zealand – Auckland

Courses studied by Carol include:

Bachelor of Science (Botany/Physical geography and Zoology)
Masters in Education

The above courses offered by Dr Eleanor Kellon are accreditated for continuing education for American vets

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