
$70.00$100.00 AUD

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NEW! Now with iodine, and the large size is 4.9 kg (rather than 4.85 kg).

HoofXtra mix (formerly known as Laminitis Rescue) is a nutritional mineral supplement with copper and zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium, the B vitamins biotin, pyridoxine and folic acid to help maintain optimal hoof, coat, hair and immune system health. Formulated to provide the most commonly deficient minerals – copper and zinc based on thousands of pasture and hay laboratory tests. HoofXtra is a highly bioavailable mineral mix containing proven premium mineral and vitamin sources based on equine research.

2 sizes

Small: net weight = 2.9 kg – will last 5.5 months based on the standard feeding rate for one horse.
Large: net weight = 4.9 kg – will last 9.3 months for one horse based on the standard feeding rate – economical pack.

The *standard* trial feeding rate is 18 grams or a 1.2 metric tablespoon (slightly heaped tablespoon, best to weigh). For ponies under 300 kg, 1/2 tablespoon.

Information sheet that comes with HoofXtra.

Elemental Mineral *Standard* Feeding Rate Per kg
300 mg
16895 mg
900 mg
50953 mg
1 mg
48 mg
1 mg
56 mg
6 grams
323 g
Biotin vitamin B7
20 mg
1132 mg
Pyridoxine vitamin B6
200 mg
11322 mg
Folic acid vitamin B9
20 mg
1132 mg

It was back in 2007 that Emeritus Professor Chris Pollitt at The University of Queensland and his team (Asplin KE, Sillence MN and McGowan CM) showed that elevated blood levels of insulin (hyperinsulinaemia) is a major risk factor for laminitis. Laminitis caused by elevated levels of insulin is considered the most common dietary form. Insulin controls glucose metabolism. Insulin resistance, IR, also included as part of EMS is a state where the tissues show a reduced sensitivity to insulin resulting in an overproduction of insulin.

More recently gut hormones called incretins (GLP-1 and GIP) are theorised to be a possible cause of high insulin levels but this isn’t proven yet. Incretins are produced in the intestine to enhance insulin release for the purpose of stabilising blood glucose levels.

To prevent laminitis caused by elevated insulin regardless of mechanism, the key is a intake low in sugar and starch as it’s these carbohydrates that trigger the release of insulin from the pancreas.

HoofXtra mix is not a therapy or cure for laminitis. Nothing can substitute for a low sugar + starch, low fat diet as recommended by specialist vets including Dr Eleanor Kellon VMD. It is a nutritional mineral and vitamin supplement that includes the B vitamin biotin, known to move nutrients into cells without insulin involved in other species in high doses (insulin signalling) and both pyridoxine and folic acid which may assist with nitric oxide production for blood circulation, in particular perfusion in the hooves, at levels recommended by Dr Kellon VMD.

Copper has a role in coat colour, iron metabolism, bone development, hoof quality and maintenance of elastic connective tissue.

Zinc has a role in general growth and metabolism, required for normal bone and cartilage development, involved in maintaining the integrity of skin and mucous membranes, hair and hooves and in wound healing and has a role in maintaining a normal healthy coat. Essential for interactions between proteins and a variety of enzymes that all metabolically active cells require for cell multiplication and maturation. Zinc is a key component of ‘zinc finger proteins’ in the assembly of keratin, a hoof building material. A zinc deficiency can be expressed as slow hoof growth, thin walls and weak connections and horn.

Copper and zinc prevent the fats and oils in the protective seal on the hoof from oxidising. Oxidative damage causes over drying and weakens the connections between cells. When the hoof is weak, it is more vulnerable to attack by organisms via microscopic cracks. In cattle, deficiencies in either copper or zinc have been linked to soft feet, cracks, abscesses, thrush and laminitis.

Iodine has a role in normal thyroid function and is a component of thyroid hormones which regulate metabolic processes including hair growth.

Magnesium The symptoms of a magnesium deficiency are the same as for excessive ionised calcium compared to magnesium. Symptoms include twitching, irritability, and hypersensitivity. Magnesium has many different jobs to do in the body and one of the most important is to control ‘excitable’ tissue activity, including the nervous system, heart, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle in the intestinal tract, uterus, urinary tract and blood vessels.

Selenium is an important antioxidant for protecting cell structures and cell membranes from the effects of oxygen free radicals produced during energy generation and therefore most important for tissues with high aerobic metabolism activity like the brain/nervous system, heart, skeletal muscles and rapidly growing tissues. Acidic soils inhibit selenium uptake by plants. Alkaline soils are more likely to have adequate selenium levels though horses in work may need supplementation. A soil test will test pH, the lower the pH number the higher the acidity, 7 is neutral and the higher the number the more alkaline the soil. Read about the value and limitations of soil testing.

The standard feeding rate contains 1 mg selenium. Dr Eleanor Kellon VMD recommends selenium. If you are concerned about overdoing selenium, these articles may help:
Don’t Fear Selenium
Lose your Fear of Selenium

This product is contraindicated for use when selenium intake from pasture is high or selenium is provided by other means (such as top dressing, vaccine, pellets or selenium drenches) if blood selenium levels at treatment are high. Users can determine selenium status by consulting their veterinarian.

Biotin Has a role in general metabolism and in maintaining integrity of skin, hair and hooves.

Pyridoxine Has a role in normal general metabolism, nervous system function and vision, involved in red blood cell formation and in maintaining normal healthy skin and vision.

Folic acid Involved in general metabolism, in blood cell production and the formation of red and white blood cells and haemoglobin.

Safe for laminitic prone or insulin resistant (IR)/elevated insulin horses.

HoofXtra can be fed in addition to Best Guess mix if needing higher copper, zinc and iodine levels but don’t need higher level of magnesium, selenium and the B vitamins. HoofXtra can be fed with Equine Amino, Postbiotic Gut SupportHydrate Support and the toxin binders Elitox and Mycosorb A+ in the same feed. This article on toxin binders explains their differences. 


What does a *standard* trial feeding rate mean?
It’s the amount to start with as your horse may need a smaller amount, or a larger amount if the iron level (or manganese) is excessively high in the intake. Since iron may interfere with the uptake of zinc and copper, the standard feeding rate may not be high enough. The feeding rate can be 1.5 to 2x. It’s safe to go higher than the standard feeding rate as horses have a high tolerance of copper and zinc.

Do I need to add salt to the mix, same as Best Guess?
With the Best Guess mix, a quantity of salt can be added to the mix so that the feeding rate is 1 metric tablespoon. If something like salt wasn’t added, the size of the feeding rate would be very small and challenging for some people. For the Equi Horse mix, Equi Horse +Se mix and HoofXtra mix, there is no need to add salt to the mixes, they are ready to go. The additional salt recommendation (2 tablespoons for an untested situation, more in hot weather) is there regardless of whether you add salt to a mix (Best Guess) or not.

Why isn’t there a scoop?
The aim is to keep the price as low as possible and a scoop wasn’t found that was exactly right. I’ve found from experience that a lot of products that come with scoops actually don’t match the feeding recommendations on the packaging. Usually the scoop volume is larger than the actual feeding rate!

HoofXtra mix is a nutritional supplement product for inclusion in horse’s feed. Product has no therapeutic effect and is designed to be administered in a feed for voluntary ingestion for horses.
Animal consumption only.

5 reviews for HoofXtra

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Rachel Morrison (verified owner)

    ***AMAZING PRODUCT- Amazing results***
    Horse: 11 year old OTT thoroughbred “barefoot” with thin soles, event lines, recurring abscesses and seedy toe.
    After following two separate FB groups (Hoof problems Australia” and the “Laminitis Crisis Support” group), it became apparent that there were two supplements out there that were more highly regarded than the rest, safe for lamanitic horses and which improved hoof health. One of those products was Carol Layton’s Hoof Xtra which was formerly known as Laminitis Rescue. After further investigation into both products, I bought Balanced Equines Hoof Xtra to try it out. Without kitchen scales nor a measuring scoop, I added a “guesstimate” amount to my guys feed, introducing it slowly at first as I’d read some horses won’t eat it. He was on what I thought to be a full dose within a week and he was eating his food as well as always.
    After 3 months I could see good results in the quality of the new hoof growing down, but nothing extraordinary, so I gradually doubled the dose.
    Since then, not only have my horses hooves improved beyond compare, but we got through the whole of last winter without any Greasy Heel and I’ve also just realised that his ever present “stud crud” (cannon keratosis) has totally disappeared!
    I have changed nothing else in my feed nor grooming regimen so I can only attribute these improvements to the Hoof Xtra.
    With careful introduction I had no problem getting my horse to eat it and his overall skin and hoof health is now remarkable so from the results I’ve seen, I highly recommend this product.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Courtney (verified owner)

    My problem child has always had on the poorer side hood condition. This product is a life changer, stronger hoof and less infections throughout the hard wet season we have just had. Best product

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Christine Khalil (verified owner)

    My black PRE who became very red after importing to the U.S. in June of 2022, is now getting his black coat back after starting him on HoofXtr in early August and I’m beyond thrilled. I spoke wuth Carol and I told her that I’d spent the last year feeding products like Black As Knight and Nu-Image Black Horse, to no avail. I thought I would just have to get used to having a bay. Here in the Northeast of the United States we have high iron on our water and our hay. After some research, I realized that this was the problem and why my black horse wss turning red, but Carol further educated me on the importance of providing him with the CORRECT Zinc/Copper ratio. Which neither of the above products had.

    Well, 2 months after starting HoofXtr, I’m literally jumping for joy because my black beauty has returned. I can’t wait to see what another 2 months will do. Thank you for this great product and for your advice.

    Christine Khalil

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    Loretta Frino – That Barefoot Chick (verified owner)

    As a Hoof Care Practioner, I have always recommended Balanced Equine for horses of all ages and sizes as part of my holistic approach to hoof care. Due to the long wet periods we were having, I have put all horses on the added benefits of HoofXtra. My horses, especially, have lived through boggy paddocks and long wet periods with nil hoof issues. Along with regular hoof care, a gravel pad to get out of the mud and managed access to sugars, both of my personal horses have stunning hooves and frogs. I cannot recommend this supplement highly enough and am a proud stockist of HoofXtra.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Sharyn (verified owner)

    I am just about to order my second 4.9kg bag. I am using it on my old pony (laminitis prone) and my young now 3.5yrs. My youngest came to me almost a year ago with bad thrush in all feet. I tried different external remedies eg copper sulphate with water, hydrogen peroxide, with no noticeable changes until I put him on HoofXtra. That combined with daily cleaning he is thrush free and my farrier keeps commenting on how good they are now. Its a game changer for me, it is now and will remain part of their daily diet. Thank you Carol

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